Tuesday, 14 June 2011

My 'girly' girl?

searching for bait

My little girl Sibs has always been a 'girly' girl.
She's been a princess and fairies type of little girl who adores purple and pink.
She's loved pretty dresses and dolls and jewels...

Just this last year I've noticed that my little 'girly' girl has been changing...

This last weekend she spent a couple of days with just her dad, her uncle and her cousin - all males.
She had an absolute ball!
She has not stopped talking about all the things that they got up to. 

During bed time last night she was still telling me all sorts of tales, including -
"Guess who did the loudest trumps??"
Umm. not sure about that one!

Our Australian outdoor lifestyle has given her these opportunities to explore and to have adventures.
She no longer turns her nose up at a game of cricket or a kick around of a football. 
 She loves going to watch a rugby match and knows an impressive amount of the rules!
She enjoys running and has a bit of a talent for long distance.
She has shown a bit of a passion for fishing - guts and all!

early morning, afternoon and evening fishing - all in the same day.

But just to remind me that there is still a little bit of a 'girly' girl in there somewhere
she was spotted practising her ballet on the jetty...

I'm proud of her.
Proud of the way that she is living life to the full, taking in all it has to offer.
I think I need to keep up. I think she can teach me a thing or two.
So next time they head up to the beach, guess who's going too?

4 Comments and thoughts:

  1. Isn't it great to have all these outdoor opportunities here in Australia! Our kids get such a great opportunity to do so many activities that they would find harder to do in the UK weather.

  2. great post, Aoife is a real tomboy, she always prefers trousers or leggings to a frock, likes to pick up insects and touch worms. Maybe it's the older brother thing or just because I'm not a particularly girly girl myself, it's great that they can learn these fearless traits...

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed the last two posts, cheered me up this stormy afternoon.

  4. What a well-rounded little girl she is, and so happy looking. I know just how you feel, I look at my Lois, and I think where did that little character come from, so pretty, funny, clever, is she really mine. We are really blessed aren't we? Thanks for your comments Beth, I do stay up kind of late sometimes, I like to blog or craft uninterrupted. Love Linda x
