Wednesday 20 October 2010

Yes, no, well maybe, maybe not, yes!!

I am SO in awe of you people that have renovated houses, or built from scratch. I have a whole new level of respect for you! Quite major changes were made to one of my two little bathrooms yesterday, just on the spur of the moment, and just by asking the right person the right question.

Bathroom planner said no to the shower in a particular spot, plans came back yes, project manager said maybe, but probably not, and the plumber said yes,no worries mate!! (I think it's really funny that they call me mate!) I'm keeping everything crossed that the plumber is right.

How do you manage all those "where do you want this power switch?" type questions? They may sound like small trivial things, but hey, I don't want to be staring at a double power socket at eye level. By the way, clever electrician is going to locate it in the top drawer of the vanity - ingenious?! So if I wasn't at home yesterday my shower would have been in a different spot, I would have had two light switches almost next to each other and a double power socket slap bang in the middle of nowhere! Scary...

So with my mind buzzing after a day at work, the whole house 'tasting' of dust, a few cracks and bulges in walls (how did that happen?), my 'to-do' list for tomorrow completed, I'm off to bed. 
Nos da x

1 Comments and thoughts:

  1. Smart idea about hiding the switch. Sounds like your plumber is a 'can do' man. I like that type! As a renovator I have to say, it does become a little hell-ish dust and noise wise. Just keep in mind the big picture. Look forward to photos when it's all done. :)
